Do you have enough time to spend with your family and friends? Overtime working is becoming an controversial issue in Japan. We would like to research about overtime working from various perspectives.
Survey Result
11 Japanese people who were 19~20 years old answerd for my survey.
Thank you for responding.
Then, let me show you some of the survey results.
Q4. If you have to work from early morning or until late at night, which would you choose?
To this question, 5 people answerd that they prefer to work from early morning, and the rest 6
people said they prefer to work until night.
This result was not as same as what I expected. I had thought that most of them would have chosen to work from early morning, because some of my seniors work in early morning.
Q5. Have you ever worked over time?
To this question, 4 people answered they have ever worked over time. 3 of them were paid for it but 1 was not paid. I think he should charge the salary to his boss.
Q6. Would you mind working overtime if you were paid for it?
To this question, 4 people answered they would not mind working overtime if they were paid for it, and the same number of people said that they mind working overtime even if they were paid for it.
I think that if those who think like latter increased, problems about overtime work will be solved.
If you want to see more results, please click on the link! ↓
Answers to my 15 questions (5~9)
5.Are there laws about overtime work?
Yes, there are laws about overtime work in Japan! Company is expected to pay for overtime to employees in Japan. The limits of overtime working in Japan is 5 hours per day, 45 hours per month, and 360 hours per year.
・Japan Payroll & Benefits. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
・(n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
8&9.Which country has the most overtime work?/Which country has the least overtime work?
Yes, there are laws about overtime work in Japan! Company is expected to pay for overtime to employees in Japan. The limits of overtime working in Japan is 5 hours per day, 45 hours per month, and 360 hours per year.
・Japan Payroll & Benefits. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
・(n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
6.What kind of job less likely to have overtime work?
・money matters
・early education
・school bus driver
Work that needs to be done safely or work that is related to little kids tend to have less overtime work comparing to others.
・What Are Some Jobs Without a Lot of Overtime? (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
・Wage and Hour Division (WHD). (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
7.How much in average is paid for overtime work?
For example, California requires double time pay based on hours worked. The rate of payment to employees cannot be less than one and one-half times an employee's regular rate of pay.
・(n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
・Doyle, A. (n.d.). How Much Do I Get Paid for Overtime? Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
8&9.Which country has the most overtime work?/Which country has the least overtime work?
In the post of the site"Telegraph", it is said that about 5 million people in Britain regularly work overtime even though they are unpaid for it. British workers tend to stay longer in the office.
Netherlands is known for low level of unemployment and high incomes!The Dutch government is supporting well-balanced professional and personal development. Also, part time working is encouraged and it is protected by law.
Netherlands is known for low level of unemployment and high incomes!The Dutch government is supporting well-balanced professional and personal development. Also, part time working is encouraged and it is protected by law.
・Smith, O. (2017, February 24). Which nationalities work the longest hours? Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
・Snyder, B., & Jones, S. (2015, November 11). Americans Work Hard, But People In These 15 Countries Work Longer Hours. Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
・11 Countries Where People Work the Least. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
・11 Countries Where People Work the Least. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
Answers to my 15 questions (1~4)
I would like to answer the questions I came up earlier!!
1.What can the company do to reduce overtime work?
Here are some of the ways I found⇓
・ Set an annual cap.
・Match staffing levels to work demand.
・Insist employees to take scheduled rest breaks.
・10 Keys to a Sensible Overtime Policy – Workforce Magazine. (2017, May 23). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
・How to Decrease Overtime Work. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
2.What is good about overtime work?
・It can be a chance to show that you Are willing to work harder
3.What is bad about overtime work?
4.Does overtime work effect the employee health?
1.What can the company do to reduce overtime work?
Here are some of the ways I found⇓
・ Set an annual cap.
・Match staffing levels to work demand.
・Insist employees to take scheduled rest breaks.
・10 Keys to a Sensible Overtime Policy – Workforce Magazine. (2017, May 23). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
・How to Decrease Overtime Work. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
2.What is good about overtime work?
・It can be a chance to show that you Are willing to work harder
・It is a common way to get promoted
・The longer you work, more you learn.
・Why Working Overtime Is Good For Your Career. (2016, October 31). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
・Benefits of Working Overtime. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
3.What is bad about overtime work?
・Not enough sleep
・Low quality of life
・Health Consequences
・It can lead to late marriage
I think that all of the reasons listed above is bad! But especially the 4th reason is a big problem for Japan because the birthrate is decreasing year by year!
・The Disadvantages of Overtime. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
・Vulcan, N. (2015, September 25). 7 Reasons Why Working Overtime Is Not a Good Idea. Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
4.Does overtime work effect the employee health?
Overtime working effects many of the employees health in many ways!
These are some of the examples↓
• Lower-back injury
• Higher blood pressure
• mental health issues
• Lower birth weight (women)
• Higher suicide rates
Nothing can be more important than our lives! We need to protect our own health
・C. (n.d.). 5 Negative Effects of High Overtime Levels. Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
・How Does Overtime Affect Employee Performance? (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2017, from
~Survey result~
Thank you for people who answered my survey!!
I would like to show some of the results👀
If you want to view all the survey questions, you can check out from here!
If you are interested in looking at the data graph of my survey result, click the URL below👇
Seven people answered my survey and all people were Japanese, age between 19 to 22!
To the question, "Do you think overtime working is a good thing or bad thing", everybody answered that they think it is BAD. And these are some of the reasons⇣
・It destroys people's life. Overtime work doesn't make achievement good.
・There is no time for yourself
・Working pace will get slow
・It is a important ability to finish your job on time
・leading to late marriage or not get married
・It is not efficient.
To the question, "How do you usually release stress?", 3 people answered that they listen to music and other 3 people answered they sleep and 1 person answered that she watches TV.
I also found out that most people want to get home from work by 19:00⏰
I would like to show some of the results👀
If you want to view all the survey questions, you can check out from here!
If you are interested in looking at the data graph of my survey result, click the URL below👇
Seven people answered my survey and all people were Japanese, age between 19 to 22!
To the question, "Do you think overtime working is a good thing or bad thing", everybody answered that they think it is BAD. And these are some of the reasons⇣
・It destroys people's life. Overtime work doesn't make achievement good.
・There is no time for yourself
・Working pace will get slow
・It is a important ability to finish your job on time
・leading to late marriage or not get married
・It is not efficient.
To the question, "How do you usually release stress?", 3 people answered that they listen to music and other 3 people answered they sleep and 1 person answered that she watches TV.
I also found out that most people want to get home from work by 19:00⏰
Less Work More Success (NGO)
We made a NGO called "Less Work More Success"! And this is the logo we made for our company↓
Let me introduce about our NGO! Our main goal is to reduce overtime work at companies in Japan. And to achieve this goal we hold lectures to managers twice a month and suggest solutions for companies! We can think together how your company might be able to reduce overtime work!
The participate fee for this lecture is only 1000 YEN, so feel free to participate❤
In our lecture we give out solutions and advice! There are some examles....
1. Is your working area clean?
Clean working space lets you find document easily.
2. Do you have good relationship with your employees?
Making working conditions where employees can show and express their feeling is important.
3. Lets make a TO DO List
By making a list of what you need to get done, you can keep track where you are at.
If you want to know more solutions, come to our lectures and we can tell you more!!✌
If you send us request, we can go to your company to check your company's working environment!
We also send out informations about our lectures from SNS!
Please check if you are interested in joining us too!!
You can mail or call us for further information!
COMMENTS from our classmates
Many students in our class liked our logo we made! I was happy to hear that some student understood the current situation of overtime working in Japan.
To study more about overtime work we would like to here voices from other people too!! It only takes about 5 minutes to answer, so it would be helpful if you participate in this survey and answer some questions☺We would like to use the results to learn how people thinks and how much they know about the situation of overtime working.
Please click the link written above to answer the survey💕
Please click the link written above to answer the survey💕
word cloud - from a perspective that think overtime work is GOOD
I made a word cloud from words picked up from websites that introduces perspectives from people that thinks overtime work is GOOD!!
From looking at this word cloud I found some words like "need","position","normal", and "development". I think these words describes how some people thinks about overtime work. Some people might be thinking that overtime working is needed and it is a normal thing to do for development. Also, maybe some people are forced to work due to their position.
word cloud - from a perspective that think overtime work is BAD
By looking at this word cloud which is based on a perspective that think overtime work is bad, you'll notice that overtime work causes many problems like that people including workers's family members are stressed, workers are likely to have health risks, and expenses for overtime work cost.
The sourse of this word cloud:
Ogura, K. (n.d.). Overtime Work in Japan. Retrieved July 13, 2017, from
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