

Introduction of good websites and the reasons

Here are the good websites about overtime work which I mentioned in my English class last week.

めざせ、“5時まで管理職”?! ~脱・長時間労働の実践~. (2013, May 14). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from

熊谷, %. (Ed.). (2016, October 11). 働き方改革、ドイツに学ぶべき点はここだ. Retrieved June 29, 2017, from

The reasons why I think those sites to be good are these:

Opinions are backed up by sources and facts

The tone is neutral: Offers a variety of viewpoints (a BBC site was given as an example)

The supporters (or creators) of the Web site are willing to show their faces or give identifying information about themselves.

The content is professionally edited or curated.

Introducing bad example of website.

In our class we discussed about websites that can be useful for our research and some websites that are not useful. I would like to introduce one of the website which I thought is not useful for searching information about our topic.

This is the website I found!!
Why do Japanese work such long hours? (2013, May 01). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from

The first time I looked at this website, I thought it can be useful for our research ! And, on the top it says "voices in Japan". So I thought I can look at comments writen by people who lives in Japan. But when I looked at it carefully, not all comments were writen by people living in Japan. There were lots of  comments posted from countries all over the world and some had bias in it.

From this, I learned that we need to look at who is making that websites and if it is informations which we can trust.


15 questions ②

I would like to introduce 15 questions I came up  related to overtime work.

1.What can the company do to reduce overtime work?
2.What is good about overtime work?
3.What is bad about overtime work?
4.Does overtime work effect the employee health?
5.Are there laws about overtime work?
6.What kind of job mostly have overtime work?
7.How much in average is paid for overtime work?
8.Which country has the most overtime work?
9.Which country has the least overtime work?
10.What kind of job least have overtime work?
11.How many people in Japan committed suicide because of overtime work?
12.How does bosses think about working for long hours?
13.How does the employee family think about overtime work?
14.Are there things employees lost because of overtime working?
15.What can you gain from overtime work?

I would like to research about these questions throughout the semester.

15 questions

  1. How many companies follow the campaign called "Premium Friday,” in which the government is urging companies to let employees leave at 3:00 pm on the last Friday of every month?
  2. What is the aim of "Premium Friday"?
  3. What kind of jobs benefit from"Premium Friday"?
  4. What do workers ordinary do after work?
  5. What do workers do after work on the day of "Premium Friday"?
  6. What kind of services are there for the workers who left companies earlier than usual because of "Premium Friday"?
  7. How workers manage to finish jobs on the day of "Premium Friday"?
  8. Does "Premium Friday" take a toll on the workers at a later date?
  9. Is there any policies like "Premium Friday" in other countries?
  10. If workers had children, how do they take care of them while overtime work?
  11. Is there any company who try reducing overtime work? And if there is, how?
  12. How do workers feel about overtime work?
  13. When the workers who work overtime have supper?
  14. How often do workers work overtime?
  15. What do workers who have given up a habit of overtime work become able to do instead of working until late?

Perspective 1&2 : Man&Employee

I would like to introduce a perspective from a man employee who is about 30 years old.
I don`t know his name and backgrounds because he had it anonymity.
This is how he is thinking about overtime working! I would like to introduce in his voice.

I think that overtime working reduces productivity and it becomes inefficient when overtime working continues. I have seen some people becoming lazy too.  Most people would avoid overtime working unless you are enjoying the work, or if you feel like learning a lot. I think bosses have problem too. Just thinking about the companys profit, bosses sometimes take on too many orders from other companys not thinking about his subordinates work.

resource: What do you think of working overtime? (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from

Perspective 3&4: Women&Managers

Perspective 3: Women 👱
 Compared to men, women have to do household, conception and birth, and take care of children. Also, women are inferior to men in physical strength so they tend to fall into a menstrual disorder. Because of these facts, Japan is an aging society. In order to solve this serious social problem, it’s needed to reduce overtime work, regulate daily rhythm, and men, especially married men, should cooperate with women including wives.


Perspective 4: Managers 👴
 According to a documentary program broadcasted by NHK, managers tend to say to their staff that each worker has to manage work time. However, to improve workers' environment, managers must change work time systems first. Otherwise, workers cannot go home early because they worry about what their bosses will think of them.


%. (Ed.). (2006). 女性労働者をめぐる現状 . Retrieved June 22, 2017, from

めざせ、“5時まで管理職”?! ~脱・長時間労働の実践~. (2013, May 14). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from


Opinions of some college students

In my college's  English class, some students who are around 20 years old described their opinion about overtime work.

Here are the opinions:

 - There is a overtime work culture and also there becomes a problem of not being able to finish work. (H.N)

 - Different attitudes of various generations may be one of the factors making the issue more complicated. (M.K)

 -  I think companys should provide longer break time if the employees has to do overtime work. (M.O)

 -  I read some news about suicide caused by overtime work. There would be more cases like this if we keep doing this. (S.S)

 - I think companies in Japan should work more efficiently. Overtime work diminishes the morale of workers.I think we need to find ways to do a good job without overtime work. (H.M)

 - Workers should see what is priority for them in life. working and getting money is not everything. Maybe it's time to change this culture. (N.T.M)

 - People still get depressed and have suicide attempts. This only proves that we have to do something otherwise, the situation will only get worse. (M.M)

I think we can work more effeciently if workers change the way of working and attitude about working situation. And suicide rate will be decreased as work time become shorter.

How about your opinion?



  We would like to discuss about "Overtime Work" in this blog.
How do you feel about overtime work? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing?
Overtime work is a controversial issue in Japan and opinions differs greatly between generations and genders.

  Overtime work can be stressful to employees and takes up time they could of spend with their family and friends. This can lead to less comunication with the surroundings. There was a case in a famous company where a employee committed suicide due to stress of overtime working and became a big problem.

On the other hand, there is a old way of thinking in Japan that working long hours is virtue. Not all people in Japan is thinking that overtime working is a bad thing.

Throughout this semester we would like to look at this issue from different perspectives.