


Introducing bad example of website.

In our class we discussed about websites that can be useful for our research and some websites that are not useful. I would like to introduce one of the website which I thought is not useful for searching information about our topic.

This is the website I found!!
Why do Japanese work such long hours? (2013, May 01). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from

The first time I looked at this website, I thought it can be useful for our research ! And, on the top it says "voices in Japan". So I thought I can look at comments writen by people who lives in Japan. But when I looked at it carefully, not all comments were writen by people living in Japan. There were lots of  comments posted from countries all over the world and some had bias in it.

From this, I learned that we need to look at who is making that websites and if it is informations which we can trust.

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